I've never formally mentioned how much I love City of Mist as a setting. It's probably one of the more creative premises I've seen in a while for an urban fantasy setting, a sort of combination of the Percy Jackson books, Changeling the Dreaming, and Mage the Ascension.
A PBtA system has it's advantages and disadvantages. It's simple, easy to learn, and easy to just run out of the box, but it is built for shorter games. City of Mist somehow negates that latter limitation. I didn't know it was possible, but they did it.
So, I've been part of a game that's been running for about 2 years now. I've had two characters, the first being the wonderfully insane embodiment of Rumpelstiltskin: the conspiracy theorist private investigator, Adam North. The second is a Gatekeeper Silver Soul who has a name, it's just impossible to remember. Let's call her the Secretary.
The Secretary has recently replaced Adam as my character, considering that the latter is currently trapped in a different dimension. With her in the party, things are going as normal.
So this brings me to my art today.
We're investigating the Chief of Police, who we believe is working with a nefarious private security company called Spire Security.
The scene is as such: He's onto us. He calls for backup, and we get into a fight. At the end of the fight, he kicks our collective asses, and resets time.
My character uses the opportunity to arrest him, seeing as he just committed a serious violation of Normality.
I pull open my Key fob, which allows me to teleport to Gatekeeper HQ, and the team follows me.
It turns out, the BBEG is capable of hacking Gatekeeper technology, seeing as he redirects us into a Spire Security SWAT team, disguised as Gatekeepers.
Fortunately, we figure out the ruse, and get into a standoff with them, me holding the police chief hostage, and the other party members ready for combat.
I'm happy with how this turned out. It was good lighting practice. I think I'll be able to do both lighting and perspective better now.